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BioDrop MD®

Product Code: 0031
Availability: In Stock
Weight: 0.02kg

The new BioDrop MD® comfort eye drop maintains eyes moist and relaxed. Hyaluronan, the natural moisturizer, aids symptoms of the dry eye disease, protects epithelium of the cornea and expedites healing of corneal wounds.

To ensure eyes with a natural feeling, the chemical and physical properties of BioDrop MD® are adjusted to resemble the healthy tear film.

BioDrop MD® contains neither preservatives nor ingredients of animal or plant origin. 

BioDrop MD® is suitable for frequent and prolonged use. It is packed into a handy multidose dispensing system (10 ml) designed for sterile and preservative-free ophthalmic products.

Developed by Finnsusp  in co-operation with the Finnish Allergy and Asthma Federation.   As with all  other Piiloset products, BioDrop MD® is not animal tested.           

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